Case Digest: Pulido v. People, G.R. No. 220149, July 27, 2021 (Recit Version)
Rule 111 | Criminal Procedure - Prejudicial Question Facts: The case involves Luisito Pulido who was charged with Bigamy for contracting a second marriage with Rowena Baleda while his marriage with Nora Pulido was still subsisting. Pulido claimed that both his marriages were void, but the court found that his first marriage was valid despite the absence of a marriage license. The Court of Appeals affirmed his conviction for bigamy since he entered into a second marriage while his prior marriage was subsisting, without obtaining a judicial declaration of the nullity of his prior marriage. Issue: WoN a judicial declaration of nullity of marriage secured after the celebration of the second marriage should be considered a valid defense in Bigamy cases. Ruling: Parties in a bigamy case are not required to obtain a judicial declaration of absolute nullity of a void ab initio first and subsequent marriages in order to use it as a defense. This applies to marriages cele...