Case Digest: Arambulo vs People GR 241834 24 July 2019
RA 9208 | Criminal Law FACTS: The RTC and CA convicted Fernando B. Arambulo for the crime of Qualified Trafficking in Persons. Petitioner and his minor son, Dominique Dimple Arambulo , invited the latter's three (3) schoolmates who were also minors, namely AAA, BBB, and CCC, 10 to their house sometime in 2011. It was then revealed that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss petitioner's plans to commit robberies with the help of AAA, BBB, and CCC. Upon learning about this, CCC expressed his desire to leave but petitioner got angry and punched him; thus, he was forced to join the group. AAA, BBB, and CCC then similarly testified that not only was petitioner the mastermind of the series of robberies they subsequently committed against various people, but he was also the driver of their getaway tricycle. ISSUE: WoN the petitioner's conviction for trafficking in persons should be set aside ...