Case Digest: People v. Yusay, G.R. No. L-26957 September 2, 1927
Rule 120: Judgment, Discharge | Criminal Procedure Facts: Simeon Yusay appealed a judgment convicting him of theft and sentencing him to one year, eight months, and twenty-one days ( 1-8-21 ) of imprisonment. The prosecution presented evidence that Yusay took two pawn tickets belonging to Leonor Gil de Lazaro without her consent. The servant of Gil de Lazaro, Remigia Mediavilla , was entrusted the tickets and left them to Yusay unintentionally. Yusay met Mediavilla at a store, noticed the tickets in her purse, and took them from her. Yusay falsely claimed to be the owner of the pawned jewels and redeemed them without presenting the tickets, using only their numbers. Gil de Lazaro discovered the theft when she tried to redeem the jewels herself. When confronted, Yusay refused to return the tickets and instead offered to help Mediavi...