Private International Law— Chapter 1: Introduction to Private International Law
Chapter 1: Introduction to Private International Law 1.1 International Law International law has been defined as the: rules and principles of general application dealing with the conduct of states and of i nternational organizations and with their relations nter se, as well as with some of their r elations with persons , whether natural or juridical . Hilton v. Guyot, 159 U.S. 113: It includes not only questions of right between nations but also questions concerning "the rights of persons within the territory and dominion of one nation , by reason of acts, private or public, done within the dominions of another nation." The principles of conflict of laws incorporated in municipal laws are based not on the extraterritorial validity of the law of a foreign state but on comity of nations. Comity was defined in this case. Facts: Defendants, Henry Hilton and William Libbey, residents of New York and trading as co-partners in Paris under the ...